Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Dreams From Paprika Interpreted With What I'm Sure Is A Highly Reputable Online Dream Interpretor

Film critics have praised Kon's genius for everything from his innovative use of match cuts to his creative look on how today's society would try to use dream sharing technology like the DC Mini. So what could a high school film student like me have to offer in terms of original insight on the film? My ability to copy other people's ideas off the internet, of course!

Often we understand dreams not as logical or literal but as a subconscious language written in symbolism. Since the dawn of time, humans have pondered dream symbolism for omens, devine advice and insights to the inner workings of the soul. To gain a deeper look into Paprika's symbolism, I typed in mise-en-scene elements of characters' dreams into the first semi-legit looking google search result for "dream translator", After all, "The Internet and dreams are similar. They're areas where the repressed conscious mind escapes.

Red Head
"To dream that you are a redhead suggests that you need more spontaneity and vitality in your life."

Paprika, Atsuko's idealized alter ego of the dream world, is a red head. This makes sense given Paprika's spontaneity and vitality in contrast with Atsuko's more serious and reserved manner.

 "To dream that a doll comes to life signifies your desires to be someone else and escape from your present problems and responsibilities. The doll serves as a means to act out your wishes."

Dolls appear quite prominently in the parade dream sequence. This could be symbolic of Himuro's desire to be Tokita. Early in the film the characters discuss Himuro's motive and Osanai points out "It's possible that Himuro was jealous of Dr. Tokita." The dolls come alive  also could represent Atsuko's desire to be more of an out-going, free spirit like Paprika.

"To dream that you are playing a role in the movie foretells that something from your subconscious is about to emerge or be revealed. It may also represent memories of images from your past. To dream that the movie screen is blank suggests that you are trying to distance yourself from some issue or emotion. Alternatively, the blank screen symbolizes a lack of accomplishments. You feel that you have nothing to look back on."

Detective Toshimi is yet to come to terms with the death of a high school friend with whom he once made a detective movie. The movie theater in his dream is not only a representation of the movie they made, but foreshadowing that his buried memories must surface again in order for him to come to terms with them. Toshimi regrets not living out their shared goal of becoming film makers and feels he has disappointed his friend, hence Toshimi's perceived lack of accomplishments.

 "To dream that you are mounting a butterfly on frame symbolizes sexual oppression."

In one dream, Paprika grows butterfly wings and Osanai pins her to a table with giant pins. He admits that he loves he and is shocked when he tears open her skin to find Atsuko. The mounted butterfly could be symbolic for Osanai's repressed, subconscious attraction to Atsuko (his boss) and to Paprika (his enemy). 

 "To dream that the sun has a creepy, harsh glare represents a significant disruption or serious problem in your life. The sun is considered a life-giver and thus, any abnormalities and peculiarities to the sun's appearance represents some sort of pain or chaos occurring in your waking life."

During his monologue before he jumps out the window, Shima remarks "The ignorant sun will chase away the darkness... and burn the shadows, eventually burning itself!" The dream world invading the waking world and causing the insanity of the masses is probably what I would call "a significant disruption."





  1. Well, that was interesting. An online dream interpreter. Isn't the problem with dreams is that we don't remember most of them? I read that if we don't work to recall it once we wake up, they disappear from memory.

    It would be interesting to pick a part some of the non-sense talk that the effected characters speak in the film. A bit like King Lear's raging in the storm. It makes sense on some level. Any internet program for "crazy speak"?

  2. The internet program for "crazy speak" is every internet program
